Friday, March 4, 2011

Stairs to the Third/second floor

     Upon arriving at ICMS, I was told that I would be living on the second floor!  Initially, I thought walking up one floor of stairs would be easy, even if most of the time I am wearing heels.  Umm, lets just say that I was wrong.  WAY wrong.  I have to walk up 58 stairs to get to my dorm room and it hurts my legs so much, which is what I was initially going to complain about until I realized something extremely vital that ICMS needs to fix.  Before I start to explain, look at the picture.  A line is drawn to my room and PLEASE tell me that you see the same thing that I do- THE DORM IS ON THE THIRD FLOOR!  I just want to point out that I would hate to be the person who messed up counting the number of floors at ICMS.  Anyone could look at this picture and see that there are at least 4 floors and that my dorm is not, I repeat, not on the second floor.
     So, partly because of the number of stairs that I have to walk up and down everyday and partly because IT IS THE THIRD FLOOR, I have decided to forever call my "second floor hall" the The Third Floor.
     You might be wondering how the floors are labeled.  The first floor is called "The First Floor," they got that right!!!  Here is where the problem occurs.  The second floor is neglected, and overlooked. . .it is forgotten.  Even though there are classrooms, administration offices on this floor, it is the forgotten floor from how I see it!
     Lo Lo, my roomate and I have been laughing about this little situation and she thinks that it is messed up.  Lo Lo thinks she knows the solution: that the first floor is un-named and the second floor is the first floor.  I think she is wrong and I just wagered Dove Dark Chocolate on the deal.  I will definitely keep you posted on the confusing floor-naming at ICMS (and hopefully next time I will be eating delicious chocolate while I type!!! :)
     In conclusion, I think that myself and other, fellow second-floorers should get some recognition for really walking up 3 flights of stairs and our floor should be called the third floor.  (Though it would require changing all of the room numbers and signs!)

random fact that I just realized: My college dorm floors: 2nd floor Sanderson, 2nd floor New South Hall, 2nd floor New South Atrium, and 2nd (3rd) floor ICMS!  Lots of 2s :)  

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