Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jamzzz and Television

I wrote this blog for the P&W at Millsaps and doing the last blog made me think about the cultural differences between the two countries!  Here is a comparison between college life in both America and Australia:
Abroad in Australia: Music and TV
I was humoured and a little surprised when my new friend from Sydney asked if, before coming to study abroad, I thought that they rode kangaroos to class.  I wish that I would have responded that I was shocked that they also did not have dingos and pythons as pets too!
            That question, as ridiculous as it was, caused me to think about the Australian perception of America the cultural differences between our two countries: similar in size, but completely different in culture.  What I have found is that Australians form many impressions of America from the movies.  They know about the different accents from the regions of the U.S. (I have been asked many times to say “ya’ll” and they try to imitate!)  Australians also think that they have an idea of what college life is like in America.  Many students at ICMS ask if we party with red, plastic cups back in Mississippi!  They also have asked if college students play “Beer Bong” at parties.
            The music in Australia is similar to music played in the U.S.; actually, at least half of the songs are from popular artists like Lady Gaga, Pink, Katy Perry, and Rihanna.  Songs like “Airplanes” by B.O.B. and “I’m Coming Home” are played during meal times in the dining area and recently became popular in Australia.  So, the new, hit songs now in Australia have been playing for at least 6 months in the United States!
            Like music, TV shows are also behind in The Land Down Under.  Most of the girls love to watch Gossip Girl- the third season just ended, unlike America, which is almost an entire season ahead!  As you can imagine, everyone asks the American students what happens next in the season.  Other popular shows are Jersey Shore and Grey’s Anatomy.  I have been asked a couple of times if I lived in Jersey Shore.  Then I was asked if I had been to Jersey Shore.  No, I go to school in Mississippi and unfortunately don’t make it up to Jersey that often!
            My Australian classmates, professors, and friends and generally easy-going and have a good sense of humour.  And though I will joke with them about being a season behind in many shows, they give it right back to me like my friend did by joking that they rode Kanga’s to class!     

On the way to Class:

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