Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Jam Your 4th Toe With Style!

     My toe hurts (how embarrasing to complain about my toe) because on Sunday, March 20th, I jammed my 4th toe. 
     It at night when I was walking in my room, in the dark.  And, I probably should admit that my room was not the cleanest-just for a little back up.  With shoes, books, and clothes scattered everywhere, it was kind of hard to tip-toe through my dorm room.  (Even though I am in a triple-share room, I try to contain my stuff in my alloted 1/3 of the dorm room, so it just builds up!)  But I stubbed my toe on my tennis shoe.  Yes, my tennis shoe- what an anti-climatic way to stub a toe.
     And it hurt when I stubbed it, I started hopping around on one foot, but what REALLY hurt was the next day.  It was bruised and it was so painful trying to walk in high heels.  I was limping around the school and if anyone asked, I had a story ready: I jammed my toe getting caught in the rip tide, saving someone in the ocean this weekend.  I thought it was a better story than my toe-stubbing story.  
     Yesterday there was a beautiful array of shades of black and blue on my one toe and let me just say: LESSON LEARNED!  I will try to keep my room clean now (we will have to see how long this lasts!)  But here are some pictures of the inside of my dorm room.  I have two roomates and I am so lucky because the view of the ocean from my window is gorgeous!

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