Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Timetable

The class structure here at ICMS is different than what I am used to in the U.S.  Here, every class, regardless of what day of the week, is 2 hours. 
     When I received my class "Timetable" (do not call it a schedule here!), I was nervous about my Mondays because I had four classes, from 8:00-10, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:00.  My first thought was about fitting lunch into my schedule.  (Of course I thought of food first!)  But then I was wondering how I was going to make it from class to class on time in less than 1 second!
     After the first day, I realized that classes do not really last the entire two hours because most professors start 15 minutes late and end 15 minutes early because the culture is a little more laid back than in America!  So, I was able to eat a quick lunch and make it to the next class.  So, the 15 minute rule means that I have no 8AM's- just 8:15AM's which can make a difference! :)
Here is my class timetable:
8:00-10:00Distribution DecisionsEvent Management ProjectOperations Management  
10:00-12:00Principles of MKTNGEvent Management Project  
12:00-2:00Distribution Decisions Principles of MarketingOperations Management
2:00-4:00Operations Management    

Extra activities during the week-
Monday nights are yoga, Tuesday nights are Communications Team meetings, every other Wed is a student representative meeting, and Thursday nights are Bible study!

There is also a lot of group work and projects here at ICMS so the groups meet in spare time during the week as well! 

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