Wednesday, August 3, 2011

81 Days.

     I flew back home from Australia on Saturday, May 14th (and because of the time difference, I arrived in LA before I left from Sydney!)  Since then, 81 days of summer have FLOWN BY and I wanted to update on how my study abroad experience has continued to be part of my life!
     I teach tennis to kids every day and they thought that it was soooo cool that I had been to Australia.  They asked 204703 questions about the food and living in a different country.  I don't think that some of the younger kids understand how far Australia is from the U.S., which makes me think back to what one child asked me before I left, "Lauren, how long will it take to drive to Australia?"
     And since I really did not know how to reply to this question, I said that it would take A LONG time to drive to Australia.  Especially if the car sinks and ya have to swim, haha.  But, even though their questions are a bit random and funny, I still enjoy talking about it- and especially love letting them taste Vegemite!
     This summer, I also have an internship at Merrill Lynch and my desk is in a cubical so I can hear all of the conversations around me.  Yes, I do feel like a creeper.  But I can't help it when they are talking loud near my cube!  Anyway, back to the story: when I was (trying to) work on the computer, I overheard someone say "Australia."  Without even knowing who was talking, I said (probably pretty loud), "I'VE BEEN TO AUSTRALIA!!!!" 
     We traded stories from our experiences, I showed him some pictures from my blog, and he pretended like it was completely normal to barge in someone's conversation (once again, I did feel like a little bit of a creeper).  It was great to talk about the places that we both had seen- like the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.  Hearing his perspective and stories was great, since I knew exactly where he was talking about and it almost felt like home!
     I also have had the opportunity to skype my friends in Australia and the U.S.  I really enjoyed hearing about life, this term, at the International College of Management, Sydney.  Apparently, the new study abroad students are good, but not as awesome as we were (I don't know if my friends were just saying that though, haha).  I had the chance to talk with my ICMS roomie Lolo, Kate, and Christina.  It was a little before 7AM my time when I talked to them so I don't really remember the whole conversation, but I do know that they were wearing a ton of winter clothes because it is FREEZING there!
     I have also had the chance to skype Megan since I have been back, which was great!  And tonight, I am going to talk to Jessica, who was my roomie while in Sydney.
     It has been great to stay in touch over Facebook, but it stinks that I don't know when I am going to see my friends next.  Since we are all spread over the U.S., it is hard to visit (unless I take a huge RoAdTrIp next summer!)

     All of these stories are just a long way of saying this- The experience of studying abroad will definitely always be a part of me.  The little things in life that remind me of my journey, the friends that I have made on the trip, and the life skills that I have learned continue to shine in life- no matter what continent I am on :)
     I am blessed to have had this amazing opportunity and will never forget it.  Now, onto my new adventure. . .senior year!

1 comment:

  1. i’ve never heard of something like that before, thank you for sharing this information with us
